$555.00 USD

Human Design Reading

In this one-hour 1:1 call with Allison, you will receive clear insight into your unique Human Design chart, and how it influences your career, relationships, money, and more.

The goal of a one-time session is to introduce you to the power of living your Design. Allison may also channel specific messages for you from the Quantum Field if you request.

For $555 you will receive:

⚜️ Clear direction on your next steps in business and/or personal life, depending on focus

⚜️ Recommendations for immediate implementation for healthier living according to your Design

⚜️ Unique, channeled-for-you messages from the Quantum Field to empower your highest-Aligned decisions

⚜️ Insight and advice on living your Strategy & Authority

It is an honor to be your Guide.

